Wednesday 2 November 2011

ホテルニュージャパン(続) 'Hotel New Japan' (Continued)


Strange events also occurred in a hotel close to where ‘Hotel New Japan’ had been.
A man noticed a stain on the wall in the room in which he was staying.
“It’s strange… that stain is huge, yet the hotel staff haven’t noticed it…” the man- who was a regular at the hotel- murmured, looking at the stain.
“The stain looks like a human being…” the man thought.
For indeed, the stain did appear to be in the shape of a human figure, with arms and legs.
Deciding there was nothing he could do, the man thought no more of it and went to sleep.

The man woke up in the middle of the night, because it was extremely hot.
“What’s with this heat?” the man was surprised- it was winter, yet the temperature of the room felt like that of mid-summer.
“Strange. Must be a problem with the air conditioning.”
Sitting up slightly, the man reached for the telephone to call the front desk. But as he did so, his eyes fell upon the stain on the wall.
Without thinking, he dropped the telephone receiver.
“W..what the hell is with that stain!”
The stain was moving around, like a human in terrible pain- arms and legs quivering.
“What….What the hell is this?!” the man cried, still staring at the wall. Just then, he heard a voice coming from the direction of the stain.
The man strained his ears.
Still flailing it’s arms and legs around in agony, the stain had begun to emit a voice.
“It must be the spirit of someone who died in the fire at Hotel New Japan!” the man thought. He realised that the wall the stain was on faced the place where ‘Hotel New Japan’ had once stood.
Then, right before the eyes of the dumbfounded man, the stain stopped moving, and all at once, the temperature of the room returned to normal…

From: 幻想都市伝説

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