Saturday 12 November 2011

観覧車は止まらない The Ferris Wheel Doesn't Stop


The Ferris wheel is a fad. For five minutes of a night view, it is probably around 700 yen. But that isn’t likely to stand in the way of two people who are madly in love.

Since Golden Week had been and gone, Miyuki and her friend decided to check out the latest ‘place to be’; as they figured it wouldn’t be too crowded.
“I went with my friend to ride the wheel.”
The Ferris wheel boasts the tallest in all of Japan, and so the queue was already long that day.
“There were more people there than there usually would be on a week day, probably because about half the year’s events had finished on that day. So there was a sign asking people to ride the Ferris wheel with people they may not know.”
For couples, this kind of arrangement is probably something to avoid, but for the two girls who had come together as friends and were on the hunt for boyfriends anyway, the opportunity to share a compartment with cute boys was welcomed. However, the person in the queue behind the two girls was, unfortunately, a young business man with a glum face.
“After a twenty minute wait, it was our turn.”
Under the instructions of the person monitoring the wheel, the two girls climbed aboard, along with the aforementioned business man. With only three people aboard, the door closed and the compartment began to rise up into the air.
Not being the talkative type, the two girls decided to keep their excitement to themselves.
“Suddenly, for some reason, my friend’s eyes widened. Even when I asked her what was wrong, she did not move.”
Turning her head, she saw that the business man in the seat opposite was rubbing at his wrist with something. The man was slashing at his wrist, as though trying to chop it off. His blood dripped down into his half-open bag.
“We were both paralysed… Tears poured from my friend’s eyes.”
When the man noticed the two girls staring, he lifted his head up, but ignored them and gauged deeper at his wrist.
Then, he severed a particularly large vein, and blood gushed from it, splattering onto the wall beside his seat. More and more blood dripped into the man’s bag. The man took a handkerchief and, with one hand, cleaned his blood from the wall. When he’d done, he let out a sigh, and slumped back down in the seat, still staring at the two girls.

Time almost stood still. Only the wheel, still suspended in mid air, seemed to shake subtly, as the compartment reached the top.
“Suddenly we girls began to scream, unable to look anymore.”
At that point, the man stretched his hand out to Miyuki, muttering something.
  ‘Look…look…” he muttered.
“He said ‘Look... That’s all you have to do’.”
  ‘I’m going to die soon. But I don’t want to die alone… so look… that’s all you have to do…’ the man said, staring unblinkingly at Miyuki and her friend.
Occasionally, the man would let out an agonised groan. The people down below, appearing like discarded dolls, watched the two girls- no one making any movement
Eventually, the blood stopped flowing, and the sound of the man’s breathing began to fade.
“Is he dead?” the friend asked, her voice hoarse.
It appeared as though there was nothing in the man’s eyes.
The compartment stopped at the bottom.
The two girls jumped out, screaming.
It is not known what happened after that. 

From: 東京伝説呪われた街の怖い話

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