Thursday 3 November 2011

夜回りさん The Night Watchman

誰? 表札も出してないし、近所に知り合いはいない。無視することにした。
On the same evening I moved into a new apartment in Kanagawa, there was a knock at the door. 
Who could it be? I had no nameplate outside my door, and I didn’t know anyone in the area. I decided to ignore it.
The next day, I bought a net curtain, and covered the whole window with it.
That evening, at 10 o’clock… another knock.
Nervously, I went to the front entrance. I put my face to the spy-hole in the door. It looked like a policeman, so I opened the door a crack.
“What is it?” I asked.
The policeman took some paper from his bag;
“Please fill in this patrol card. It’s used at times of disaster and whatnot.”
What was this?…. I told him it seemed like a lot of bother.
“This is a good thing. Fill it in. Do it now,” the policeman replied, smiling.
Sensing something wasn’t right, I closed the door.
“Apartment 110… a waste of time!” cried an angry voice from outside the door.
I phoned my landlady.
After I had told her what had happened, she spoke;
“Go to the shrine, and purchase an Ofuda.* Pin it up somewhere.”
She explained that it was a policeman who had died in an accident ten years earlier.
“I feel sorry for him,” she continued.
 The next morning, I went immediately to the shrine to buy an Ofuda, and pinned it up in the entrance of my apartment. That night at around 10 o’clock, I heard what sounded like a scream outside. 
After that, the policeman did not come back. 

*An Ofuda is a talisman that can be bought at Shinto shrines, to be put up in one’s house. It is believed to protect the family from bad things, such as evil spirits or disease. 

From: 実録呪霊映像
(Million Mook 38, 雑誌2008年)

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