Friday 25 November 2011

話しかける動画の人間 Talking Animation Characters


A rumour on an animation website.
Apparently, characters in the animation will talk to the people watching it. Despite the fact it's only a one way converation, they will call out to the viewer.
"How about it? Why don't you come over here? This is a really fun place to be!"
What is more, they will call the viewer by his or her name specifically, talking with a smile on their face. Even if the viewer feels uneasy and tries to ignore it, the animation will persist in talking to them.
"Don't ignore me!"
Finally, the animation will laugh maniacally, and shout "Come here! Come now, come on! Access this world!"
Those who are possessed by the animation are sucked into it, and trapped in there for eternity.

From: 幻想都市伝説

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