Friday 25 November 2011

話しかける動画の人間 Talking Animation Characters


A rumour on an animation website.
Apparently, characters in the animation will talk to the people watching it. Despite the fact it's only a one way converation, they will call out to the viewer.
"How about it? Why don't you come over here? This is a really fun place to be!"
What is more, they will call the viewer by his or her name specifically, talking with a smile on their face. Even if the viewer feels uneasy and tries to ignore it, the animation will persist in talking to them.
"Don't ignore me!"
Finally, the animation will laugh maniacally, and shout "Come here! Come now, come on! Access this world!"
Those who are possessed by the animation are sucked into it, and trapped in there for eternity.

From: 幻想都市伝説

Thursday 24 November 2011

ハムスターの幽霊 Ghost of a Hamster


Some friends of my family had a strange experience: they witnessed the ghost of a hamster.
"It was a strange experience."
The daughter of the household owned a hamster, which she loved. However, hamsters don't live for long, and after a few years, it died.
That same night, a strange rustling sound could be heard.
The sound was coming from the hamster's cage.
"That's odd... and impossible.."
Had cockroaches gotten into the cage? That is what the girl's father thought, so he searched the cage thoroughly, but he found nothing.
However, a while later, the noises started again.
"It was the ghost of my hamster."
That is was the girl believed.

From: 幻想都市伝説

Monday 14 November 2011

名古屋の幽霊病院 Haunted Hospital in Nagoya


There is a hospital in Nagoya that is famous in the local area for being haunted.
Apparently, old people wander the corridors in the dead of night, and it is said that new nurses are always teased by these spirits.
A nurse will be working at the nurse station, and an old person will pass swiftly by, right before their eyes.
The spirit walks silently, as if gliding, wearing pyjamas of an impressive blue colour.
“Oh! What’s wrong?” the nurse calls, putting her head out from the nurse station. But the old person will continue to move silently.
“Please, wait a moment!” the nurse calls frantically, but the old person moves at a fast pace. Even running as fast as she can, the nurse cannot catch up. Eventually, unable to catch up, the exhausted nurse returns to the nurse station.
“What was with that man…?”
As the nurse utters this, sitting back down at her desk, the same old man will appear again, dangling upside down from the ceiling.
It is almost as if this is a welcoming ceremony from the spirit, who will apparently only appear to new nurses. 

From: 幻想都市伝説

Saturday 12 November 2011

観覧車は止まらない The Ferris Wheel Doesn't Stop


The Ferris wheel is a fad. For five minutes of a night view, it is probably around 700 yen. But that isn’t likely to stand in the way of two people who are madly in love.

Since Golden Week had been and gone, Miyuki and her friend decided to check out the latest ‘place to be’; as they figured it wouldn’t be too crowded.
“I went with my friend to ride the wheel.”
The Ferris wheel boasts the tallest in all of Japan, and so the queue was already long that day.
“There were more people there than there usually would be on a week day, probably because about half the year’s events had finished on that day. So there was a sign asking people to ride the Ferris wheel with people they may not know.”
For couples, this kind of arrangement is probably something to avoid, but for the two girls who had come together as friends and were on the hunt for boyfriends anyway, the opportunity to share a compartment with cute boys was welcomed. However, the person in the queue behind the two girls was, unfortunately, a young business man with a glum face.
“After a twenty minute wait, it was our turn.”
Under the instructions of the person monitoring the wheel, the two girls climbed aboard, along with the aforementioned business man. With only three people aboard, the door closed and the compartment began to rise up into the air.
Not being the talkative type, the two girls decided to keep their excitement to themselves.
“Suddenly, for some reason, my friend’s eyes widened. Even when I asked her what was wrong, she did not move.”
Turning her head, she saw that the business man in the seat opposite was rubbing at his wrist with something. The man was slashing at his wrist, as though trying to chop it off. His blood dripped down into his half-open bag.
“We were both paralysed… Tears poured from my friend’s eyes.”
When the man noticed the two girls staring, he lifted his head up, but ignored them and gauged deeper at his wrist.
Then, he severed a particularly large vein, and blood gushed from it, splattering onto the wall beside his seat. More and more blood dripped into the man’s bag. The man took a handkerchief and, with one hand, cleaned his blood from the wall. When he’d done, he let out a sigh, and slumped back down in the seat, still staring at the two girls.

Time almost stood still. Only the wheel, still suspended in mid air, seemed to shake subtly, as the compartment reached the top.
“Suddenly we girls began to scream, unable to look anymore.”
At that point, the man stretched his hand out to Miyuki, muttering something.
  ‘Look…look…” he muttered.
“He said ‘Look... That’s all you have to do’.”
  ‘I’m going to die soon. But I don’t want to die alone… so look… that’s all you have to do…’ the man said, staring unblinkingly at Miyuki and her friend.
Occasionally, the man would let out an agonised groan. The people down below, appearing like discarded dolls, watched the two girls- no one making any movement
Eventually, the blood stopped flowing, and the sound of the man’s breathing began to fade.
“Is he dead?” the friend asked, her voice hoarse.
It appeared as though there was nothing in the man’s eyes.
The compartment stopped at the bottom.
The two girls jumped out, screaming.
It is not known what happened after that. 

From: 東京伝説呪われた街の怖い話

Friday 11 November 2011

子どもをさがす母親 A Mother Searching For Her Child

I found these in a sweet shop in Japan- a little packet of gum and a ghost story. They're for children, but only about 85 yen, great idea!


Three boys named Ichiro, Tada and Kiyo were by the sea.
During the day, they swam, and at night, they lit fireworks on the beach.
After the fireworks were finished, they noticed that it had become very dark on the beach.
"Should we go home?" someone suggested, and the three boys stood up.
Suddenly, a woman appeared. She was wearing a white dress, which was wet through.
Terrfied, the boys fled.
The following day, they told their story to a man who lived close to the see.
"Ah, yes. That is the ghost of a woman, who's child drown in the sea. She jumped in to save the child, but she wasn't able to. She drowned too," the man told them. "Since then, it is said that the woman's ghost walks around the beach at night, looking for her child." 

Thursday 3 November 2011

夜回りさん The Night Watchman

誰? 表札も出してないし、近所に知り合いはいない。無視することにした。
On the same evening I moved into a new apartment in Kanagawa, there was a knock at the door. 
Who could it be? I had no nameplate outside my door, and I didn’t know anyone in the area. I decided to ignore it.
The next day, I bought a net curtain, and covered the whole window with it.
That evening, at 10 o’clock… another knock.
Nervously, I went to the front entrance. I put my face to the spy-hole in the door. It looked like a policeman, so I opened the door a crack.
“What is it?” I asked.
The policeman took some paper from his bag;
“Please fill in this patrol card. It’s used at times of disaster and whatnot.”
What was this?…. I told him it seemed like a lot of bother.
“This is a good thing. Fill it in. Do it now,” the policeman replied, smiling.
Sensing something wasn’t right, I closed the door.
“Apartment 110… a waste of time!” cried an angry voice from outside the door.
I phoned my landlady.
After I had told her what had happened, she spoke;
“Go to the shrine, and purchase an Ofuda.* Pin it up somewhere.”
She explained that it was a policeman who had died in an accident ten years earlier.
“I feel sorry for him,” she continued.
 The next morning, I went immediately to the shrine to buy an Ofuda, and pinned it up in the entrance of my apartment. That night at around 10 o’clock, I heard what sounded like a scream outside. 
After that, the policeman did not come back. 

*An Ofuda is a talisman that can be bought at Shinto shrines, to be put up in one’s house. It is believed to protect the family from bad things, such as evil spirits or disease. 

From: 実録呪霊映像
(Million Mook 38, 雑誌2008年)

Wednesday 2 November 2011

ホテルニュージャパン(続) 'Hotel New Japan' (Continued)


Strange events also occurred in a hotel close to where ‘Hotel New Japan’ had been.
A man noticed a stain on the wall in the room in which he was staying.
“It’s strange… that stain is huge, yet the hotel staff haven’t noticed it…” the man- who was a regular at the hotel- murmured, looking at the stain.
“The stain looks like a human being…” the man thought.
For indeed, the stain did appear to be in the shape of a human figure, with arms and legs.
Deciding there was nothing he could do, the man thought no more of it and went to sleep.

The man woke up in the middle of the night, because it was extremely hot.
“What’s with this heat?” the man was surprised- it was winter, yet the temperature of the room felt like that of mid-summer.
“Strange. Must be a problem with the air conditioning.”
Sitting up slightly, the man reached for the telephone to call the front desk. But as he did so, his eyes fell upon the stain on the wall.
Without thinking, he dropped the telephone receiver.
“W..what the hell is with that stain!”
The stain was moving around, like a human in terrible pain- arms and legs quivering.
“What….What the hell is this?!” the man cried, still staring at the wall. Just then, he heard a voice coming from the direction of the stain.
The man strained his ears.
Still flailing it’s arms and legs around in agony, the stain had begun to emit a voice.
“It must be the spirit of someone who died in the fire at Hotel New Japan!” the man thought. He realised that the wall the stain was on faced the place where ‘Hotel New Japan’ had once stood.
Then, right before the eyes of the dumbfounded man, the stain stopped moving, and all at once, the temperature of the room returned to normal…

From: 幻想都市伝説

Tuesday 1 November 2011

My trip to the Ju-On house!

Well, thought I'd share this, since it was Halloween... yesterday. (Yes, I'm a little late. But the call of the paranormal channel line up on Sky+ was just too tempting.)

Last year, whilst I was living in Tokyo, my friend and I took a trip to the house from the Japanese 'Ju-On' films.
The house is in a very secluded neighbourhood in the Saitama prefecture, and it took us about 3 hours to find it.

On the train...

On our way!

First we found the bridge used at the end of 'Ju-On: The Grudge 2' 

We walked around for ages, asking various people. And then eventually....
WE FOUND IT! 見つけたぁ!

Back garden...

Another building next to the main house, used in the original straight-to-video films, as Kyoko's parent's house

The back of the house...