Monday 24 October 2011

電話ボックス The Phone Box


Owing to the current popularity of mobile phones, we rarely see public telephone boxes in towns anymore.
However, once upon a time, phone boxes were installed here and there around towns.
This story takes place at the time when a girl we shall 'Y' was a student.
On the route Y took home from school, there was a telephone box in a convenient location.
The phone box was opposite a temple, in a place surrounded by trees that was hard to see from the main road, and well shadowed.
"This place is great, huh? Hardly anyone uses this phone, so we won't have to worry about troubling people, AND we won't get caught by the teachers!"
For Y and her friends, who went to an all-girls high school, the phone box was convinient indeed. Of course, the people they wished to phone were their boyfriends, or male friends. The contents of their conversations were not all that important, yet phoning boys felt fresh and exciting.
Y and her friends often used that phone box on their way home from school.

On one occasion, she saw something strange in the phone box.
To the transparent wall of the phone box, stuck what appeared to be a human finger nail.
"W- What is that? Is that somebody's finger nail?"
Upon closer inspection, the girls discovered that there several of these finger nails, which were stained with a red substance that resembled blood.
"Yuck! That's creepy! What the hell is that!"
"Seriously, are they somebody's fingernails?!"
The girls did not use the telephone, but instead went to the nearby temple and spoke to one of the workers, who was cleaning. 
The shaven-headed man inclined his head in confusion.
"Our worshippers use that phone box too. I've told them to throw their litter away properly!" he grumbled, as he cleaned the telephone box with a cloth.

What happened in that phone box?
Y had an uncomfortable feeling that she could not shake.
But after that day, the girls were not able to use the phone box. That was not to say that there was any particular fault or specific reason- the phone simply did not connect, no matter how many times one tried to dial.
"Looks like we can't use this phone anymore," the girls decided, and after that they began to use another phone box.
Y could simply not understand what had happened with the phone.
During a family reunion, she showed the phone box to a relative- a woman who was medium.
"This is the phone box."
Upon looking at the phone box that Y had pointed had, the medium began to tremble violently.
"D...Don't use this phone box!"
"Why?" asked Y. "What on earth happened here?!"
"A woman covered in blood is using this telephone over and over. She tears her finger nails against the wall as she uses the phone, screaming and crying."
Upon hearing the vision that the medium had had, Y vowed never to so much as pass by the phone box again.

According to a story later told, by a close friend of somebody connected to the nearby temple, a woman used the phone box frequently to call a man for whom she had unrequited love.
The man was not interested in her, and eventually began pretending to be out so that he did not have to answer her calls. The woman was consumed with grief, and dialled his number so many times that her finger nails peeled away.
Finally, she committed suicide in the phone box.


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