Saturday 29 October 2011

幼児の口から From The Mouth of a Child

無垢な童は、霊の代弁者となることがる。 Gさんにとって一番の恐怖事件は平成十八年起こった。 Gさんの話によると、それは突然の出来事であった。
突如、園児の一人が痙攣し始めた。車に撥ねられたカエルのように手足をバタバタ動かしている。 「はふ、はふ、はふ、ふふふふ」
痙攣はそのうち呼吸器系に移っていった。 目は白目を剥いている。
しかし、Gさんの呼びかけにも園児は反応しない。 息も絶え絶えになり、酸欠の園児の顔色は見る見る青黒く変色していく。
だが子供の状態は良くならない。 段々と顔が紫色になっていく。
「先生、早く来て!」 こんな時は一秒一秒が数時間のように思える。

This story is about a woman named ‘G’, who worked at a Kindergarten.
G once experienced strange words and behaviour from a child.
Innocent children sometimes become the mouthpieces of spirits.
G’s scariest experience took place in 2007, and according to her story, it was a sudden, unexpected incident.
All of a sudden, one of the children began convulsing- flailing his arms and legs about, like a frog that had been hit by a car, and making strange noises. “Hff…hff…hff…”
The child no longer appeared to be concious.
“Are you okay?! Hang in there!” G cried, but the child’s convulsing did not stop. “Aah…aah…aah..”
Eventually, the child’s convulsions began to effect his breathing. His eyes were became wider.
“This is dangerous. We need to get to the hospital!” G decided to call the local doctor, who often came when there was a problem. If the doctor came… it would be alright.
“Hang on, I’m on my way!” the doctor told her.
But the child was still not responding to G’s voice. His breathing had become laboured, and due to lack of oxygen, his face was turning a blackish-blue colour, right before her eyes.
“It’s okay! The doctors on his way..” G frantically reassured the child. But his condition was worsening- his face was now turning violet in colour. “Hurry, doctor!”
At times like that, each second felt like forever.
But suddenly, the child got up, swaying back and forth.
“What ever is the matter?” G asked, stunned.
Then the child infront of her spoke:
“Are you going to ‘F’ Beach this year?”
It was the voice of G’s boyfriend, who had been killed in a traffic accident several years earlier. G had made many memories with him at ‘F’ Beach. Aside from her close friends, no body knew that G was planning to go to ‘F’ Beach that year.

Once G had calmed down, she said:
“When he was alive, my boyfriend tied me down a lot.”

   From: 幻想都市伝説

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