Thursday 27 October 2011

学生寮の住人 The Dormitory Resident





In the same neighbourhood as the university, there was a dormitory, known as 'K Dorm.' It looked an old building, and on the second floor, there lived a first year student.
There has always been strange stories about the dormitory, but for generations, there have been rumours about this boy's room being inhabited by ghosts.
This is the story heard from the boy himself...

"These days, I'm used to these things- they're like ordinary occurences. There is something strange here.. though I don't know what it is. My room is on the second floor, but even so, the shadow of a person passes by my window. This happens frequently... both day and night.
I'll be listening to a record, and just thinking that the A-side was about to finish, when the telphone rings downstairs. Somebody answers it, and lets me know, so I go downstairs and take the call. When I return to my room, the B-side of the record is playing. I fall asleep with the television on. When I wake up in the morning, the television is switched off. Somebody must have turned it off whilst I was asleep, but of course when I awaken, no body is there. This happened often. At first it was a little creepy, but now it's just like a friend."

There were many people who were curious to check out this boy's story, and they went to stay in his room. This is what they said:

"We stayed in that room throughout the night. Drinking alcohol and being merry, we waited for midnight. Once he had left, we were so sure but... the ghost did not come out. Becoming unusually confident (as one does when in a large group), somebody shouted 'Show yourself, IF YOU CAN!'
At that moment, the guitar in the corner of the room made a noise. That completely sobered everybody up!"

From: 新耳袋第一夜

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