Tuesday 25 October 2011

悪夢 The Bad Dream


I woke up in the middle of the night and called to my mother;
"Put the light on, I want to go to the toilet!"
My parents' bed room was next to the room that I shared with my brother, and next to that was a Western-style room. Opposite this was the bathroom.
When my mother switched the bathroom light on for me, a shadow of something on all fours appeared, from somewhere behind the three piece sofa in the Western-style room. I could see a black shadow.
"It's my brother, trying to scare me!" I said, on the verge of tears.
But my mother, who was waiting outside the toilet, hurried me along. "Your brother is asleep. No body is there. Hurry up, I'm waiting here for you."
In tears, I rushed past the sofa and made it to the toilet. However, when I left the bathroom again, I could now see the same shadow, peeping out at me from the bedroom.
Crying harder, I called for my mother, and she took my hand, taking me back to the bedroom.
I returned to my futon without looking behind me, and saw that my brother was indeed fast asleep on his own futon.It was a one off scary experience.

From: 恐怖投稿逢魔が時物語

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