Saturday 22 October 2011

Just starting out!

First post!
The rest of my posts will be Japanese ghost stories, folklore and urban legends- in their original Japanese forms and in my English translations.
So I suppose just a little bit about me; I've just graduated from a university in the UK, with a degree in Japanese Studies. My main interest throughout my studies has been ghost stories and folklore, as I am a very big fan of Japanese horror cinema. I spent one year living in Japan and studying at Keio University in Tokyo. It was during this year that I picked up a lot of my material. In my final year at university, I completed a 12,000 word dissertation on the representation of women in Japanese horror film, in comparison to that of Hollywood and remakes of Asian horror.


  1. Hello!
    I found your blog through Tumblr. It's so cool that someone has this amount of original content.
    Please keep on posting! :D

  2. Thanks, glad you liked it!
    I've still got plenty of material to get through so I should be going for several hundred years lol :)
