Wednesday 26 October 2011

Okiku’s Well @ Himeji Castle (番町皿屋敷)

This one isn't a rare ghost story, it is in fact one of the oldest and most famous in Japan- one that undoubtedly influenced 'Ringu.' However, I thought I'd share it, as well as some pictures from my visit to the story's location.

This is only one version of the story. There are several others.



Long, long ago, a girl worked for a Samurai house. Her master had ten dishes which he treasured.One day, the girl was accused by the master’s wife of stealing one of the dishes, and beaten.
Of course, the girl had never  stolen anything, but had no way to clear her name, so she threw herself into the well.
The truth was, the wife had broken one of the dishes and had thrown it into the well.

It was a hot summer, a few days after the girl’s death. Night after night,  the girls’ ghost would appear out of the well, and begin to count the dishes in a sad, pained voice.
“One… two… three…”
She could count up to nine, but could not count the tenth dish, so began to cry, before disappearing back into the well.This strange event occurred every night and before they knew it, the house had become known as ‘The Dish Mansion.’
The master became very ill because of what was happening, and asked a friend for advice.
“Obviously, the girl cannot rest in peace,” said the friend. “I’ll get rid of the ghost.”
That evening, he hid near the well and waited for the ghost to come out.
Sure enough, the ghost of the girl in a white kimono, with long hair and limp hands appeared.
As usual, she began to count.“One… two… three…”
When she had counted up until nine, the master’s friend shouted;“TEN!”
The ghost disappeared in an instant.
She has never appeared again since.

In February of 2010, whilst still living in Japan, I took a trip from Tokyo to Kansai. Whilst there I visited Himeji Castle, and saw the famous well from the story, named 'Okiku's Well.'

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