Monday 11 June 2012

山奥の霊園 The cemetery deep in the mountains


This is a story from back during my high school days, when myself and a friend went out in the dead of night on our bikes. Our desintation was a cemetery in Moji-ku, which was famous for being haunted. At the time, there was a rumour circulating about the face of a ghost appearing on the cliff in the cemetery, and out of curiosity, we went to look. I began to feel uneasy as we drew near, but soon, the cliff came into view above the cemetery. I glanced at my friend, who cried out, pointing to the tip of the cliff. Looking in the direction to which he was pointing, there was a woman clinging to the cliff! Her figure, lit up by our headlights, was certainly bizarre. We immediatley fled from the place, and have not had the courage to return. Is there someone who climbs the cliff during the night? That must be it...

From: ホントにあった怖すぎる話

Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm back!

Riding my lovely Northy again! 
It's been a while!
I've been in Japan over the last couple of weeks, hence why this blog has been quiet!

First I went to Tokyo, where amongst other things I saw my beloved horse  Northy, and visited Oiwa's grave (Yotsuya Kaidan) at Myougyou-ji. The temple itself is on the small side, and took me a while to get to, but was worth a visit!

Oiwa Grave at Myougyou-ji 
Sadako 3D 

After spending a week back in Tokyo, visiting my friends, I flew to Kyushu to meet another one of my friends, who lives in Fukuoka. Whilst there I also visited Nagasaki and Kumamoto. On the first night there, I went to see the newest 'Ring' film, known as 'Sadako 3D.' The film is not really a sequel as such, as it does not follow on from the story of the original films, and is more or less a standalone film. I wouldn't say that the film is 'scary', but there are jumpy moments throughout, and some interesting concepts. 

And of course I have come back with a whole host of new ghost stories ready to translate for this blog. Stay tuned! 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

三枚の写真 Three Photographs


It was during my time at university that I was shown these photographs by "K."
The photographs are three snaps of the same three people- one is K, who showed them to me, and the other two are friends of his from high school.
There is a superstition that if three people take a photograph, the person who is in the middle will die soon after.
It was half in jest that the three of them changed positions in the photograph, to ward off the supersition- that is why there are three photos.
On the first photograph, K is in the middle, and he has no face. Part of K's face is completely black, as if deliberatley blotted out.
On the second photograph, K moved to the right-hand side. The face of the person in the middle photographed fine, but again, K's face is blackened out.
The third time, K stood on the left-hand side of the photograph. Still, he has no face.
In other words, although there is nothing wrong with the other two people on the photograph, K's face would not photograph at all.
It was a really creepy photograph, so anybody would worry about what would happen afterwards, but ten years on K is healthy, and works for an advertising firm.

From: 真耳袋第一夜

Sunday 15 April 2012

煙 Smoke


One day, a woman called "A", who works for an apparel company, got on the bus to go to the office of a client of the company. At around midday, most of the passengers got off the bus at one of the terminals, and it was only "A" and the bus driver left. Then, a forlorn-looking, twenty-something woman in a red dress got on.
The woman was caked in makeup.
The woman sat in the seat directly behind "A", put her face close to the back of "A"'s neck and exhaled tobacco smoke.
Wondering what kind of person this was, and feeling slightly irritated, "A" turned to glare at the woman, but no body was there.
"A" looked around the bus, but of course, it was only her and the bus driver.
However, the tobacco smoke still hung in the air, and the unmistakeable smell of makeup remained.

From: 新耳袋第二よる

Wednesday 21 March 2012

親切 Kind


It was late at night when Mr Gotou got into the elevator in the apartment block.
Perhaps it was because he was tired, but as he watched the floors go by, he accidentally dropped his key from his hand.
He stooped to pick it up again, but a man's hand reached out from behind him and silently handed him the key back.
There was no body else in the elevator...

From: 怖い本8

Saturday 17 March 2012

エレベーター The Elevator


This story is about the company for which a man named Hamada works.
The company's offices were in a town on the outskirts of Tokyo.
One day, Hamada, who was leaving work for the day, stood in front of the elevator and was just about to press the button. At that moment, the elevator door opened. The empty elevator in front of him was dimly lit. For a moment, Hamada was filled with fear, but then, thinking that someone had probably been there just before him and pressed the button, he got into the elevator.
Somebody must have pressed the button, but then remembered something they had to do, and gone off into one of the rooms on the first floor. Yes, that was probably it, Hamada convinced himself.
Hamada was a "sensitive" person, but he did not feel anything weird in the elevator.
However, since then, the phenomenon of the elevator doors opening before the button is pressed has occurred many times. Aside from Hamada, other employees have also experienced the same thing, and the elevator has been checked a lot. But no problems have been found.
 “There’s no way the doors open without the button being pressed,” the man who checked the elevator would say angrily, before leaving.
And then, one morning shortly after this;
Hamada arrived first at the offices, as he had some urgent work to do. Unlocking the doors at the main entrance, Hamada stood in front of the elevator.
All of a sudden, the doors opened. Before him, was the dimly lit elevator cage.
As if frozen, Hamada was unable to move from that spot. No body had pressed the button before him- he was the first to use the elevator. There was no body in the building before him.
But there was no way the door could open, unless somebody pressed the button.
So who pressed it?
The doors before him closed.
Hamada moved away from the elevator, and headed toward the stairs.
Even now, the doors to that elevator sometimes open by themselves.

From: 百物語実録怪談集:第四夜

Thursday 8 December 2011

猫の目 The Cat's Eyes


Kiriu has a cat named Ruby.
One night, Kiriu was playing with Ruby when, suddenly, Ruby stopped dead, staring at something.
 "Hm? What's the matter?" Kiriu asked.
In the pupil of Ruby's eye, Kiriu could see herself.
And behind her... a man with a snapped neck...

From: 怖い本8