Tuesday 17 April 2012

三枚の写真 Three Photographs


It was during my time at university that I was shown these photographs by "K."
The photographs are three snaps of the same three people- one is K, who showed them to me, and the other two are friends of his from high school.
There is a superstition that if three people take a photograph, the person who is in the middle will die soon after.
It was half in jest that the three of them changed positions in the photograph, to ward off the supersition- that is why there are three photos.
On the first photograph, K is in the middle, and he has no face. Part of K's face is completely black, as if deliberatley blotted out.
On the second photograph, K moved to the right-hand side. The face of the person in the middle photographed fine, but again, K's face is blackened out.
The third time, K stood on the left-hand side of the photograph. Still, he has no face.
In other words, although there is nothing wrong with the other two people on the photograph, K's face would not photograph at all.
It was a really creepy photograph, so anybody would worry about what would happen afterwards, but ten years on K is healthy, and works for an advertising firm.

From: 真耳袋第一夜

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