Wednesday 23 May 2012

I'm back!

Riding my lovely Northy again! 
It's been a while!
I've been in Japan over the last couple of weeks, hence why this blog has been quiet!

First I went to Tokyo, where amongst other things I saw my beloved horse  Northy, and visited Oiwa's grave (Yotsuya Kaidan) at Myougyou-ji. The temple itself is on the small side, and took me a while to get to, but was worth a visit!

Oiwa Grave at Myougyou-ji 
Sadako 3D 

After spending a week back in Tokyo, visiting my friends, I flew to Kyushu to meet another one of my friends, who lives in Fukuoka. Whilst there I also visited Nagasaki and Kumamoto. On the first night there, I went to see the newest 'Ring' film, known as 'Sadako 3D.' The film is not really a sequel as such, as it does not follow on from the story of the original films, and is more or less a standalone film. I wouldn't say that the film is 'scary', but there are jumpy moments throughout, and some interesting concepts. 

And of course I have come back with a whole host of new ghost stories ready to translate for this blog. Stay tuned!